Jericho, New York

Jericho School District’s Budget Presentation: A Case Study in Arrogance and Poor Judgment

In what should be a serious and professional discussion about the future of Jericho School District’s finances, notice of the 25-26 Budget Workshop #3 has turned into a personal tribute disguised as a public budget discussion. The opening slide, absurdly titled The Greatest Grishman, featured Superintendent Henry Grishman in the center of a theatrical movie poster-style image—a parody of The Greatest Showman.

This is not a joke or a meme. This is the official opening slide of a taxpayer-funded budget meeting, created by Victor Manuel, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs. His job is to oversee fiscal responsibility, transparency, and professionalism. Instead, he used this opportunity to push a biased, self-congratulatory narrative that raises even more concerns about the district’s leadership.

A budget meeting is not a tribute concert

Budget workshops are supposed to be serious, transparent discussions about how tax dollars are allocated to essential programs—education, technology, athletics, transportation, and employee benefits. These meetings should foster trust and confidence among parents, students, and taxpayers who expect responsible financial oversight.

Instead, this presentation opens with a theatrical glorification of the outgoing superintendent, turning what should be a professional discussion into a display of political pandering. At a time when parents and taxpayers are already questioning the integrity of district leadership, this move only confirms what many have suspected—the district is more focused on legacy-building than on student welfare and financial responsibility.

Victor Manuel’s history of bias and censorship

This is not the first time Victor Manuel has demonstrated bias and a lack of professionalism. During multiple board of education meetings, Manuel has refused to read critical statements from community members regarding the highly controversial renaming of Cantiague Elementary School.

This refusal to acknowledge dissenting voices is not just unprofessional—it is a deliberate act of censorship. His job as an assistant superintendent is to facilitate open dialogue and transparency, not to selectively filter public discourse to protect his colleagues.

By consistently suppressing criticism while promoting glorified images of Grishman, Manuel has made it clear that he does not serve the community—he serves the administration’s personal agenda.

A pattern of disregard for the community

This latest stunt—turning a budget workshop into a tribute show—is part of a longer pattern of arrogance, bias, and complete disregard for public input.

  • Censoring public comments that criticize district decisions
  • Pushing through a controversial school renaming despite significant community opposition
  • Using official district meetings to promote an individual rather than focusing on the community’s needs

It is clear that Manuel and the administration are operating in their own self-interest rather than in the interest of students, parents, and taxpayers.

The problem of bias and legacy-building

The school renaming controversy has already sparked major concerns about favoritism and a lack of transparency in district leadership. For many, this slide is further proof of a leadership team that is more concerned with protecting its own image than serving the community.

By inserting a self-congratulatory movie parody into a taxpayer-funded budget meeting, Victor Manuel and the administration made one thing clear. They believe they are above accountability. They believe public funds and resources can be used to promote themselves. They are more interested in legacy-building than financial responsibility.

A complete lack of professionalism

This presentation undermines the credibility of those responsible for managing the district’s finances. If an assistant superintendent of business affairs believes turning a budget workshop into a personal tribute is acceptable, how can parents and taxpayers trust him with multi-million-dollar budget decisions?

Imagine a corporate CFO opening an earnings report with a self-aggrandizing musical tribute. They would be fired on the spot. So why should Jericho taxpayers tolerate this behavior from their school district leadership?

Parents and taxpayers must demand accountability

This is not just a bad PowerPoint slide. It is a symptom of a much bigger problem—a culture of arrogance, censorship, and bias that has taken hold of the Jericho School District’s leadership.

The response from parents and stakeholders should be clear.

Demand accountability from Victor Manuel and the administration. A budget meeting is not a place for personal tributes.

Push for real transparency in financial decisions. Tax dollars must be allocated based on student needs—not on political legacy-building.

Insist on professionalism from district leadership. The people running the finances of a multi-million dollar school district must act accordingly.

This isn’t The Greatest Showman. This is real life, and real futures are on the line. It’s time for Jericho’s leadership to start acting like it or step aside for those who will.

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