Jericho, New York

Local Organizations Overstep Authority in Proposal to Rename Cantiague Elementary School to “Henry L. Grishman Elementary School” During Active Employment

A troubling display of organizational overreach has emerged in the Jericho School District, where a coordinated effort between the PTA Council and affiliated organizations seeks to rename Cantiague Elementary School after current Superintendent Henry L. Grishman. This situation exemplifies a concerning pattern of these organizations treating our district as their private domain rather than a public institution requiring proper governance and community input.

A Coordinated Power Play

On January 23, 2024, we witnessed what appears to be a carefully orchestrated presentation by PTA Council President Aileen Gingold and Jericho Educational Foundation Director Lynn Wiseman. Their joint proposal to rename Cantiague Elementary School as “Henry L. Grishman Elementary School” while the superintendent remains actively employed reveals a disturbing disregard for proper procedure and organizational boundaries.

The Appearance of a Private Fiefdom

The immediate response by Board of Education Vice President Jill Citron to advance this proposal to the February agenda demonstrates how these interconnected organizations operate as if the district were their personal domain. This behavior suggests a concerning belief that they can bypass established procedures and community consultation at will.

Compromised Independence

The web of relationships between these organizations raises serious questions about their independence and proper role in district governance. The Jericho Educational Foundation maintains the district’s Director of Public Information & Community Relations, Denise Nash, on its Advisory Board while participating in administrative proposals. This arrangement creates an appearance of a closed circle of influence rather than independent organizations serving community interests.

Pattern of Controlling Behavior

This is not an isolated incident. The PTA Council’s recent attempt to regulate community discourse at board meetings, with Mrs. Gingold expressing disappointment in community “tone,” reveals a broader pattern of these organizations attempting to control rather than represent community voices.

The Ethical Implications

Beyond the procedural concerns, proposing to name a school facility after an actively employed superintendent demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of proper governance and ethical considerations. Such decisions demand clear separation from active service to maintain their integrity and avoid appearances of improper influence.

Community Response Required

The situation demands immediate community response:

  1. Withdrawal of the current proposal to rename Cantiague Elementary School
  2. Investigation into the apparent coordination between these organizations
  3. Review of organizational relationships and independence
  4. Implementation of proper procedures for significant district decisions
  5. Restoration of genuine community voice in district governance

Reclaiming Public Oversight

Our district belongs to the community, not to a select group of interconnected organizations operating as if they hold private authority over public institutions. The current proposal, advanced through concerning coordination and during active employment, exemplifies the need to reestablish proper boundaries and protect community interests.

A petition calling for immediate withdrawal of this proposal is currently circulating. Community members concerned about maintaining proper governance and preventing organizational overreach are encouraged to sign.

For more information or to sign the petition, visit link to petition.


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